dana rosenbach presenting award of merit to Chief Bakken

At last night's WASA Award Ceremony, Superintendent Rosenbach had the opportunity, along with members of our school board, to present a Community Leadership Award to Chief Beau Bakken of the North Mason Regional Fire Authority; honoring him as "a true champion of our community."

Sharing Dana Rosenbach's full speech below, as it is a fitting tribute to Chief Bakken:

"Good evening,

Tonight, I am proud to honor an exceptional community partner whose unwavering commitment has mad a profound impact on the lives of our students had families. It is with great admiration and gratitude that we honor Chief Beau Bakken of the North Mason Regional Fire Authority, a true champion of our community.

Chief Bakken has demonstrated remarkable leadership in several critical areas, fostering a safer and healthier environment for our youth. Let us reflect on some of his outstanding contributions:

  1. Leading the Mason County Opioid Stakeholder Group:

    • In the face of the opioid crisis, his tireless efforts in coordinating resources, advocating for prevention, and supporting those affected by addiction have been instrumental in combating this devastating epidemic.

  2. Pioneering Community Mobile Health Support:

    • His vision led to the creation of a groundbreaking mobile health support initiative. This innovative program brings medical services directly to our neighborhoods, ensuring that no one is left behind. From emergency triage to mental health counseling to well child support, the mobile unit has become a beacon of hope for our community.

  3. School Safety and Emergency Response Partnership:

    • As a staunch advocate for our schools, Chief Bakken collaborates closely with our district to enhance safety protocols. His expertise and dedication and support have empowered our staff and students, creating a secure learning environment where everyone feels protected.

  4. Handle with Care Program Support:

    • Recognizing the trauma that some of our students face, Chief Bakken championed the "Handle with Care" program in our community. Through this initiative, emergency responders promptly notify schools when a child has experienced a traumatic event. Armed with this knowledge, our educators provide compassionate support, ensuring that no child falls through the cracks.

  5. Safety Days at Elementary Schools:

    • Chief Bakken's commitment to education extends beyond the classroom. He spearheaded engaging safety days at our elementary schools, teaching children essential life skills. From fire safety drills to CPR, pedestrian awareness and bicycle safety, these events empower our youngest learners to navigate the world confidently.

Thank you Chief Beau Bakken - a beacon of compassion, resilience, and community spirit. Your legacy will forever resonate in the hearts of our students, families, and all who benefit from your selfless service. Thank you, for being an unwavering advocate for our community's well-being."

In addition to presenting this honor to Chief Bakken, Dana Rosenbach accepted the Purple Star Award, in recognition of the District's support of students from military families.